
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

60 Pounds Lighter and Counting

I'm going to be starting off 2016 with a resolution: to lose the rest of the weight I need to lose.

Don't get me wrong -- I've lost 60 so far. I'm proud of that.

But I want to lose 80 more. And I will lose 80 more.

This goal means that I need to lose 20 pounds every 91 days in 2016.

I'm also going to be writing a book about my weight loss journey (for publication in 2017).

I hope that you'll follow along with me on my weight loss journey in 2016 and beyond. :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What I've Been Up To

So...I've been quiet for a while. Lots of reasons for that, but I'll spare you the details.

It seems like this blog gets more hits than my other one, so I'll probably post here more often so more people can see it.

I've moved away from the MMO niche. Found my true calling, I guess you could say.

I'm going to be adding a lot of stuff to this blog, but if you want to see what I'm doing now (and you can't wait! LOL), you can visit

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Seasons of Life

It's been a while since I've posted. Lots of other projects going on. I've neglected my little blog here. *pets it gently*

Lots of projects going on. Lots of things happening. Maybe one day soon I'll give some details on what's going on personally.

But today, I want to talk about seasons.

Not the seasons with the weather, but the seasons of life.

I'm getting older.

I'm not old by any means, but I'm over 40.

When I was younger, I never understood how much of a difference age makes when it comes to wisdom. And choices. And seasons.

I was a young child - carefree and without major worries. I played. I was fed. I was loved. That's really all that mattered then.

Then I was a older, but not a teen yet - more worries, but mostly around school and home life. Nothing horrible.

Teen years. Oy. Whoever said they'd like to go back and relive their teen years needs their head examined.

Then I grew into an adult. Responsibilities. Work. Bills to pay. Ends to make meet.


Something changes when you're responsible for another person. Or several little persons.

Then....they grow up.

I never understood the freedom that comes by degrees as kids grow older until now. All but one child is now in their teens. I can (pretty much, not quite) come and go as I please. The kids are maturing and branching out. Life is good.

Patience was never one of my virtues, but I'm seeing that things come full circle.

Freedom....then responsibilities....then freedom again.

Life is good.

Monday, August 1, 2011


If anybody remembers the movie Dumbo, you'll remember the part where the crows talk about how they would use a magic feather to help the young crows have confidence to fly.

Dumbo's friend, the mouse ( whose name escapes me at the moment), gave Dumbo the magic feather and said it would give him the ability to fly.

Sure enough, Dumbo found that he could fly when he had the magic feather - using his huge ears.

But over the course of the story, he realized that the ability to fly was always in him. Having a magic feather only gave him the courage to try to fly in the first place.

We all need a magic feather.

There are so many things that you could accomplish - if you only had the confidence to try.

There are so many books that are inside of you that would benefit the world - if only you had the courage to write them.

There are so many ideas inside your head that could make money for you and could benefit other people - if only you had the courage to put them into practice.

There are so many words that you could speak in order to inspire other people - if only you had the courage to say them.

There are so many lives that you could change - if only you had the courage to step out of your comfort zone.

You could accomplish more than you could ever imagine if only you had someone whispering in your ear "You can do this."

It is my sincere hope - and, to be perfectly honest, my goal in life - to be a magic feather for as many people as I possibly can be.

Dream, believe, achieve.

You can do the impossible.

You just have to take the steps to start.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's been forever since I updated!

Holy cow! I just realized it's been over a month since I updated this thing. But I have very good excuses.

  • Some family things have come into play, as they often do. We had a bit of an emergency with one of the kids, but hopefully that is taken care of.
  • I've also got a weekly show now on It's at 11 PM on Tuesday nights Eastern time. It's called "Savvy Marketing," and it covers a wide range of topics dealing with marketing and making money.
  • I have also been involved with several JV projects. It's been a crazy ride, but it is a lot of fun and it's just going to get better.
  • I have also been working on my upcoming book - Cookie Jar Money. It is about helping moms make money from home. The rough draft is done and I hope to have the final edition ready within the next two weeks.
  • I also have a few other projects that are in the works.
So, as you can see, I have been a very busy woman.

Over the next few weeks, I will hopefully be writing more on this blog and trying to consolidate things from other blogs to this one. (Wish me luck!)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cookie Jar Money - Part 1

Does your family have a cookie jar?

Years ago, I can remember my dad having a cookie jar where he kept emergency money. It wasn't a fortune, but it was a few hundred dollars for emergencies and for splurging - an unexpected repair for the house, and unexpected necessary purchase, or even just a fun night out after a long week.

Having some money in the cookie jar always meant that you would never be broke, and that you are prepared for small emergencies.

Having a few hundred dollars set aside is the difference between an emergency and an inconvenience. If you have a flat tire on the family vehicle that is needed to go back and forth to work and you do not have the money to repair it, it's an emergency. If you have a few hundred dollars set aside for something like that, it is merely an inconvenience.

Even only having $100 set aside for unexpected expenses can make a huge difference with your peace of mind.

The problem is, most households don't have a cookie jar - not literally, and not figuratively.

They are not prepared whenever an emergency strikes.

It can be difficult to have an emergency stash set aside the way that the economy is right now. This can be especially true if you have a one income household.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to talk about some ways that you can stock your cookie jar. They will be ways that you can get started that are painless and profitable.

Be sure to subscribe to my updates so that you won't miss any posts.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Be a Hero. Save a Life.

Once a very great while we are given the opportunity to make a difference. To change a life. To save a life. To be a hero.

This is one of those times.

There is a man by the name of Kim W. Kim had been healthy for over 50 years, but one day his life changed completely. His kidneys began to fail, and his health deteriorated rapidly. Dialysis, surgeries, medications - all have become part of his reality.

Imagine having your entire life turned upside down in a matter of days. Your livelihood, your health, your state of mind - all changed dramatically in what seems like the blink of an eye. Imagine going from being self-sufficient to needing to rely on others for help, support, and assistance. Take a look around your life - your home, your possessions, your family, your job - and imagine that all of that could be in jeopardy after a lifetime of work just because you fell ill.

And now we come to you and what you can do to make a difference.

Many people - successful people, knowledgeable people, generous people - have banded together to donate products for a WSO to help benefit Kim. The knowledge, expertise, information and strategies that are available in this WSO can easily help propel your business to the next level. It is a huge value for the asking price.

But that is not the reason why you should buy it.

The reason why you should buy this is because this is your chance to make a difference in someone's life. Not someone who is abstract, nameless, or faceless. This is not a donation that you send off to some charity in the hopes that a part of your donation might actually reach the people in some far-off place that need it after paying the administrative costs for that charity.

This is a two-fold investment.

First, you will be investing in your business by purchasing the products that are in this WSO. You will have access to all of the information that has been combined - the accumulation of years and years of business experience and expertise all in one place.

Second, you will be investing in Kim. You will be helping make his kidney transplant possible. You will help provide for him and his family during this time of need.

Give and it shall be given back to you.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Generosity given is always rewarded in some way, somehow, some measure by the universe.

Today is your day to be a hero.

Click the Link Below to help Kim W.

More about Kim's story and his donation page:

More about Kidney failure:

More info about this effort for Kim W: