
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Seasons of Life

It's been a while since I've posted. Lots of other projects going on. I've neglected my little blog here. *pets it gently*

Lots of projects going on. Lots of things happening. Maybe one day soon I'll give some details on what's going on personally.

But today, I want to talk about seasons.

Not the seasons with the weather, but the seasons of life.

I'm getting older.

I'm not old by any means, but I'm over 40.

When I was younger, I never understood how much of a difference age makes when it comes to wisdom. And choices. And seasons.

I was a young child - carefree and without major worries. I played. I was fed. I was loved. That's really all that mattered then.

Then I was a older, but not a teen yet - more worries, but mostly around school and home life. Nothing horrible.

Teen years. Oy. Whoever said they'd like to go back and relive their teen years needs their head examined.

Then I grew into an adult. Responsibilities. Work. Bills to pay. Ends to make meet.


Something changes when you're responsible for another person. Or several little persons.

Then....they grow up.

I never understood the freedom that comes by degrees as kids grow older until now. All but one child is now in their teens. I can (pretty much, not quite) come and go as I please. The kids are maturing and branching out. Life is good.

Patience was never one of my virtues, but I'm seeing that things come full circle.

Freedom....then responsibilities....then freedom again.

Life is good.

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