
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cookie Jar Money - Part 1

Does your family have a cookie jar?

Years ago, I can remember my dad having a cookie jar where he kept emergency money. It wasn't a fortune, but it was a few hundred dollars for emergencies and for splurging - an unexpected repair for the house, and unexpected necessary purchase, or even just a fun night out after a long week.

Having some money in the cookie jar always meant that you would never be broke, and that you are prepared for small emergencies.

Having a few hundred dollars set aside is the difference between an emergency and an inconvenience. If you have a flat tire on the family vehicle that is needed to go back and forth to work and you do not have the money to repair it, it's an emergency. If you have a few hundred dollars set aside for something like that, it is merely an inconvenience.

Even only having $100 set aside for unexpected expenses can make a huge difference with your peace of mind.

The problem is, most households don't have a cookie jar - not literally, and not figuratively.

They are not prepared whenever an emergency strikes.

It can be difficult to have an emergency stash set aside the way that the economy is right now. This can be especially true if you have a one income household.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to talk about some ways that you can stock your cookie jar. They will be ways that you can get started that are painless and profitable.

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