
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

100 Phone Calls in 2 Days

If you own a business, how would you like to get an additional 100 phone calls - from prospective customers - in two days?

This is the power of local press coverage.

A few years ago, I obtained an interview with one of the local news stations. The spot ran for a grand total of about three minutes. I was asked a few questions, had some videos taken, and then the crew left my home and told me when the interview was going to run.

That three minutes of air time and ended up generating well over 100 inquiries about my business.

I thought it was a fluke.

Fast forward another year or two, and I had moved to a new city. I ended up getting another interview with a different local news station ( remember, I was in a new city at this point).

That interview was in the studio, and ended up generating around 75 inquiries for about a 90-second to 2 minute spot.

It was then that I truly realized how powerful local media was.

There are so many ways to generate interest with your business. Finding something newsworthy for your local media to cover is just one way, but it is a very powerful way. There is a certain credibility that comes from being on your local news channel or in your local newspaper.

Even just having a press release submitted to local and national news websites can be a tremendous boost to your business. If you couple a press release with a public relations campaign, it can be a phenomenal boost to any business.

Press releases are not just for big businesses. Even small businesses and home-based businesses can benefit.

For information about how you can benefit from a press release or a PR campaign, contact me today. (My contact information is in the right sidebar.)

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