
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is wealth?

Everyone has a different idea about what true wealth is. To some, they want thousands. To others, only millions will do. Still others think of wealth in terms of having more money than Bill Gates.

For this post, however, I will be using the general definition given by Robert Kiyosaki (of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame):

His measure of wealth (and I am paraphrasing here) is how long you can live at your current comfort level if you stopped working today and had zero money coming in.

For most people, that would indicate how much they have in savings. For example, if you have $10,000 in savings and your bills total $2000 per month, you have 5 months of wealth.

The idea of infinite wealth, therefore, can mean very different dollar amounts to different people, depending on their lifestyle and/or debts, but it is a very measurable amount.

Let's say you require $3,000 a month to maintain your current lifestyle. If you had $3,000 a month in passive income coming in, you are according to this definition you are infinitely wealthy. You would never need to work a job again!

How can you attain this income? There are many ways, actually. Real Estate is one way. Investments, etc. are also ways to do this. The way I (and others) have chosen to create wealth is through working a business from home.

I would love to share what I do with you. Let's discuss your financial future!

I can be reached at shay (dot) rockhold (at) gmail (dot) com.

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